Leading the pack

Driving 100% growth in subscriptions with smart data-led UX approach

Science In Sport, a leading sports nutrition brand, approached The Pixel to build, manage, and optimise its Adobe Commerce website. The Pixel team, with its extensive technical expertise and deep knowledge of the Adobe Commerce platform, worked closely with Science In Sport to create a world-class eCommerce platform that drives sales, improves customer engagement, and streamlines operations.

PHD Growth
SiS Growth
X 2
Conversion rate
Making the leap from 1 purchase to many

Making the leap from 1 purchase to many

With customers frequently only making one purchase the challenge to get customers to make a second purchase or subscriptions was at the forefront of improving website UX. Customer research showed a need for customers to be able to sign-up for product subscriptions to help drive incremental sales.


Understanding subscription needs

We needed to understand how we could make the subscription process as simple and easy as possible to drive more subscription across both Sis and PhD sites. This meant taking into account some major difference in customer types and pricing.

We created a 2 phase UX project using test and learn based on initial data aligning the two propositions into one theme combining insight from competitor analysis

Understanding subscription needs
Multi-facetted thinking and deployment

Multi-facetted thinking and deployment

We improved the user experience to drive more subscriptions using Tooltips on the Product Detail Page (PDP), adding a "Benefits" icon highlighting savings, creating loyalty points, and flexible cancellation options. Clicking the subscription option displays adjusted pricing and highlighted savings on the product listing page (PLP). We added prompts, messaging easy account sign into their account before subscribing.

The account process was streamlined with clear messaging and simple steps. UX testing identified the need for users to change subscription frequencies at the basket stage, resulting in clear messaging and a subscription summary.


Creating a World-Class eCommerce platform that driving sales


Creating a World-Class eCommerce platform that driving sales


PHD Growth


SiS Growth

X 2

Conversion rate