Rapid growth

Supporting explosive growth

BULK, founded by two friends in 2006, has grown rapidly to be the No 1 sports nutrition brand in the UK. Committed to creating world-class nutrition, Bulk delivers the highest-quality products the most sustainably sourced packaging, and all combined with great taste. The Pixel and BULK have a very long-standing relationship.

Revenue generated
Forecast revenue
No. 34
Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track
Staying ahead to meet demand

Staying ahead to meet demand

Supporting a fast-growing business means staying ahead with the very best practices and technology.

BULK needed to build a future-focussed digital commerce strategy to keep them ahead on the competition. This meant migrating to the latest Adobe Commerce solution whilst ensuring business as usual.


End to end review

The migration strategy consisted of 4 processes: Data Migration, Extensions, Themes, Customisations. For the data migration, the deployment of an Extraction, Transformation, Loading (ETL) process was performed to migrate settings of the original website, and all data and tables.

Our experienced team conducted multiple collaborative workshops to ascertain all integrations and also to interrogate the data. We stress tested the needs for the future.

End to end review
Full migration

Full migration

Full migration Adobe Commerce Cloud environment creating fully customisable, secure and scalable storefronts. BULK POWDERS now has the ability to offer highly differentiated customer experiences, simplified integration with their existing systems and the ability to respond rapidly to changing technology.

Cloud capabilities and flexibility has allowed BULK POWDERS to greatly reduce the implementation costs, compared to a multi-tenant SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions (a single instance of software running on a server with multiple users).

With the platform running on AWS, it ensures that the website has the agility to respond to a rapidly changing environment, continuously deploy innovations, and easily scale to meet unexpected demand.


Driving the UK's No 1 Sports Nutrition Brand


Driving the UK's No 1 Sports Nutrition Brand


Revenue generated


Forecast revenue

No. 34

Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track