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Harnessing the Power of EDS for Enhanced Adobe Commerce Efficiency

Discover how to utilise the power of EDS to boost your Adobe Commerce efficiency. Learn the benefits, strategies, and impact of EDS on your eCommerce operations.

July 26, 2024

Robert Kantor
Chief Technical Officer

In today's digital commerce landscape, navigating the myriad of tools and technologies available can be a daunting task. However, with the right knowledge and expert support, businesses can leverage these tools to streamline their operations, enhance security, and deliver superior customer experiences. One such tool that has been making waves in the industry is the Edge Delivery Services (EDS).

EDS comes with a host of flexible content authoring methods, including integrations with Google Drive and Sharepoint, along with a soon-to-be-launched Universal Editor built into Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). This suite of tools accelerates content management processes, enabling a more efficient workflow. Moreover, EDS offers enhanced access control capabilities, allowing for increased system security through granular permissions.

However, what does this mean for businesses already operating successful Adobe Commerce sites? How can they capitalize on EDS's lightning-fast load times, incredible scaling ability, and reduced development time?

Adobe Commerce operates on an MVC (Model, View, Controller) framework. The Controller is responsible for directing the application towards the appropriate content, resulting in dynamic pages tailored to your products and categories.

The streamlined nature of EDS eliminates the need for a weighty, monolithic framework generating dynamic pages. However, this also means each product listing page must be created individually. For businesses with dozens or even hundreds of categories, this could potentially be a time-consuming task.

To address this challenge, we have developed a tool that automatically converts existing listing pages in commerce into a format compatible with EDS. This innovative solution was made possible thanks to EDS's simplified yet versatile technology stack and its composable nature.

Working with EDS brings a breath of fresh air to developers and content managers alike, offering a more streamlined, efficient way to manage content. It exemplifies our commitment to strategic thinking, tailored solutions, and results-driven processes.

In conclusion, EDS stands as a testament to our proactive and dynamic approach towards digital commerce. With a broad knowledge across the industry, we aim to offer multi-solutions that drive growth and success for your business. Embrace the future of content management with EDS and Adobe Commerce, and experience the difference in speed, efficiency, and scalability.

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